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ETHICS and remaining True to yourself!

Anthony Ryb

Ethics and Morals are quite personal. There are certain things in life that I’d like to think we are all in agreement over, however it is clear from watching the news, talking with people and seeing how businesses operate that everyone’s line in the sand may be a little (or sometimes, ‘vastly’) different.

I know in the various sectors that I work in, sometimes money motivates and other times the customer or patient comes first. I appreciate that finding balance with this is not always straightforward and at other times it is like an arrow hitting the Bulls eye dead centre.

I have just had one of those Bulls Eye moments. A company had approached me to offer my services and all the preliminary conversations were great, I met the team, did the interviews and put in quite a bit of work and (for lack of a better word) passed!

All seemed golden until I received the agreement and it became very clear that all was not what it seemed and whilst nothing against the people, company or service, the proposal simply did not sit comfortably with my morals. Don’t get me wrong, there are companies I work with where depending what day of the week it is, I might find myself straddling one side or another in moral dilemma with the same firm, however this contract screamed out that it wasn’t for me and without hesitation I have walked away. Not without some sadness and also annoyance given the effort I’d put in, but walk away I have with head held high and personal ethics intact.

It’s helpful to know ourselves and be confident in our beliefs so when these moments arise we remain steadfast in our ‘selves’ and make the choice that sits comfortably, securely and honourably for us.

When was the last time you felt morally challenged and how did you respond?



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