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Farewell 2020 and Hello 2021…

Anthony Ryb

In the movie Shadowlands, CS Lewis is catching up with an ex student of his and during the conversation says: “One has to say things. The moment passes, then you’re alone again”.

Over the years I have come to the realisation that acting swiftly on things can be more helpful than procrastinating or spending too much time thinking and then realising that the moment or more often, ’the opportunity’ has lapsed.

This year has been quite defining in that respect. I’ve heard many people express regrets that they didn’t manage to do something, visit somewhere or carry out some task prior to the lockdowns occurring.

That isn’t to say we all need to completely switch over and race to do all the things we’ve ever wanted to, but just to become mindful that moments pass and whilst new opportunities always appear, previous ones may potentially disappear.

As we head into 2021 give some thought to new moments that may arise and how you’d like to realise them.

Speak > Act > Do and above all BE.

Thank you for following my meandering thoughts over the past 12 months and wishing you a safe and healthy 2021 with plenty of moments for your own views, reflections and wishes to become realised.



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