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Hello Again...

Anthony Ryb

For a multitude of reasons, for some time I’ve not been able to take an early walk on a Sunday like I have tended to do. Until today that is and my route greeted me like an old friend, or perhaps it was me greeting it like a long lost partner.

The familiar became familiar once more and it felt incredibly healthy in so many ways. I found a smile on my face, delight at being out and about whilst the world continued to sleep around me, seeing a fox cross the road, look up at me and then continue on its journey. There was much pleasure in these small steps and short journey.

It was foggy this morning and this added an additional layer to the atmosphere and made me consider our senses. Given visibility was greatly reduced, not that it mattered too much given how quiet it was, however I decided to tune into my hearing a bit more and really listen to the sounds all around me.

Though it was not raining, I could hear what sounded like the patter of rain drops and turns out that it was leaves falling in the breeze. There was also some dew that was dropping from the trees too. I was reminded of my counselling skills and how we as therapists truly listen both to what’s being spoken and that which remains unsaid and couldn’t help but feel this was good training, walking in semi darkness/fog and developing my listening senses.

It also made me appreciate those times where life becomes hazy, foggy or a bit uncertain for us and how we sometimes stumble and seek a way through this murkiness, either by ourselves or we’ll utilise some strategies we have in place to help us cope during these moments or further still, we may reach out for some form of help or support.

As I found this morning on what began as a silent walk in familiar surroundings, when brining in different senses or having some impaired – it delivers a new dimension and we can hear, feel, see new things.

When did you last say ‘hello again’ to something familiar and re-familiarise yourself with it?



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