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Give yourself a break...

Anthony Ryb

I generally post something on here every two weeks and have done for many months. Some might say I developed a routine.

Last week I started to write but was pulled away and was left with a few choices: Post something rushed and a bit unfinished, leave it until much later in the day if possible, or maybe wait until the following day.

I decided to take a fourth option and leave it alone for the entire week. I wasn’t tempted to come back to it later on last Sunday but did give some thought to posting on Monday but quickly replaced the idea with waiting a week.

My apologies to those who might set their clock by my posts and have come to appreciate the reliability every two weeks, however and although it sits a bit uncomfortably with me to have delayed this – I feel it was a healthy choice and one I will continue to learn from.

In my counselling work, I find myself often suggesting to people to take a pause, take a breath, take a step back etc and it was helpful last weekend to carry this out for myself. Take a step back, appreciate sometimes not everything can be done or achieved and sometimes giving yourself some space or time out @ ‘a break’ is useful AND IT’S OK.

On that note, I’m aware next weekend will be Father’s Day in the UK and to anyone who finds this day difficult, please ‘give yourself a break’ and find the confidence to say “no” where helpful and give yourself distance or space from any situations which might cause you distress. There are many other days in the calendar where you can or will feel more able to do things, so review any plans for next weekend and if difficult for you, see how it feels to take a rain check and postpone for a different date.

See you all in 2 weeks (maybe)…



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