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Out of cracks, bursts life…

Anthony Ryb

Most of Southern UK has now been declared as a drought zone. I’m not quite sure what this truly means as they have said that some places have a hosepipe ban, others do not and ultimately the request from the water companies is for us all to pay attention to the amount of water we use, of course at the same time as any reductions we all make pales into insignificance compared to the wastage coming from their own bursting pipes (but that’s another story).

By coincidence I have visited a number of parks throughout London this past week and it’s been sad to see the hard, burnt and brown straw like pastures where it used to be soft, lush and green. I am aware that once the rains return the grass will likely regenerate and bounce back within weeks, which is impressive.

What I have been amazed at, is whilst most of nature appears to be dying or gasping for water, WEEDS are continuing to thrive! Between the cracks in the paving stones are pop out annoying weeds. Regardless of the heat and lack of water, the weeds are still growing.

The two thoughts that immediately spring to mind are:

1/ how inaccurate the slang word ‘weedy’ is – typically used to describe someone who is weak, I fail to see how this is accurate?

2/ whilst something may be the downfall or provide hardship to one, there’s always another who will benefit or thrive.

I’ve long believed in perspective and multiple views and how we can bounce back and find a new path in spite of whatever is thrown at us in life and however deep we may be pushed down.

It may take longer than a few weeks and may take more than some rain but often with some/or a lot of focus, determination, a willingness to seek and accept change and support we can ourselves (re)emerge from the cracks to sample and check out what the new environment is offering us.

Grass is testament to this and perhaps we can take inspiration from this…



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