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Anthony Ryb

Recovery and Return...

After an injury most of us may be tentative taking the first steps using that body part again or putting weight on it etc. There might be some concerns, trepidation and perhaps even fear that we’re not fully healed or we may re-injure ourselves causing a setback and have to spend further time in recovery once more.


This can be applied to many things. For example, after a relationship breakdown we might be nervous meeting someone new, if we are recovering from addiction life can be challenging, after a pregnancy loss…the list is pretty much endless.


If we do something and it has the opposite result that we anticipated or causes a level of harm, hurt or pain that impacts us – once bitten twice shy, as the saying goes!


This hesitation is natural and the way we protect ourselves. Back in the day if we went to pet a T-Rex and it tried to bite our arm off, we’d [hopefully] learn from the experience and ‘approach with caution’ next time round, or better still give it a wide birth in that instance!


And that’s the choice we sometimes have, if I broke my leg ice skating I may choose to get back on the ice or think this is not something I wish to do again. If I did choose to get back on the ice again, I have further options: skate with confidence or with [constant[ trepidation.


Once again this applies to most things we return to after time off.


I meet many people wishing to continue to try and conceive after pregnancy loss/es, likewise people fearful returning to work after time out and many who share with me their insecurities when preparing for that first date since their divorce/break up.


Take a breath and listen to your mind and your body – how in sync are they? It will be appropriate to have some level of nerves and worry. Use the initial days/meetings to test the waters and gain confidence. Keep checking in with yourself. Take it step by step and feel free to take a break, have a rest and do what you feel is best for you in all circumstances. Keep evaluating and assessing though get the balance over not overly obsessing.


Have courage and be brave with whatever choices you make. What’s happened has happened – this cannot be changed. What will be will be and that cannot be changed (once it’s happened). Right now is your time and opportunity to take the steps down any chosen path….keep walking….keep checking in…keep your head held high…looking around you and forward!



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